Ahoy Matey!

Ahoy Matey!

Friday, April 8, 2016

How I Discovered: Run River North

It's hard not to notice a rock band comprised entirely of Asian-Americans, yet I never would have heard of them at all had I not been incredibly bored on a flight on March 28th, 2014. On that day, I read an article in American Airlines' inflight magazine, American Way about a new up-and-coming band and made a note of the band in my phone so I'd remember to look them up when I landed. For whatever reason, the band didn't really stick with me for any significant amount of time after.
Two years later, I rediscovered the band through Spotify and have certainly not forgotten them since. Their self-titled debut album is very folk-influenced and not something I would normally listen to otherwise, which is perhaps why I never really stuck with the band back in 2014. By contrast, their newest album, Drinking From a Salt Pond, quickly became one of my favorite albums ever when I sat down to give it a listen. As a musician, I love the sound they've developed through their newest album. As the son of a second-generation Filipino-American immigrant, I appreciate the way the lyrics of their first album in particular give subtle nods to the immigrant experience I've seen my dad and his sisters navigate.
The most exciting thing about Run River North is that they are musically and career-wise the youngest band I listen to on a regular basis. Unlike classic rockers or dissolved boybands, their story is still in its early stages. I'm excited to see where it goes next!

Favorite album: Drinking From a Salt Pond (2016)
Favorite songs: "Elam," "Pretender," "David Robinson"

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